your source of natural energy


cordyceps was recognized as the most famous toning, a well-fastest and medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine.

cordyceps is a rich natural resource with a wide range of biological activity, including immunomodulating, antiviral, antitumor, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and antioxidant effect.

Mushrooms species Cordyceps millenniums were used in the medicine of peoples China, Tibet and Nepal. The first mention of it refers to 1082.

The use of mushrooms in the composition of traditional Chinese medicine preparations was first recorded in the hospital of Chinese scientist Li Shizhin, written in 1578 «Bansao Ganmu» (also known as «Preparations compendium»).

Since 1964, this is the official medicine of the Chinese pharmacopoeia. Tibetans call Yarsa-Khumbu - «Summer grass-winter insect»; chinese – Dong chong xia cao – «The grass eating a caterpillar», and the Nepalese call Jivan booti – «Grass of life».

In these regions, cordyceps consider a medicine from twenty-one sickness. It heals the diseases of the kidneys, liver and lungs, relieves fatigue and tones, helps with erectile dysfunction (Cordyceps is called Himalayan Viagra), night sweating, cardiovascular diseases, reduces blood sugar levels and cholesterol, strengthens the immune system.It is also used to treat obesity, tuberculosis, hepatitis, diabetes, cancer and infectious diseases.

In numerous studies conducted, it is proved that fungal polysaccharides have a wide range of biological activity, including immunomodulating, antiviral, antitumor, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and antioxidant effect.

Cordyceps militaris - most useful look Cordyceps, Since it contains not only a lot of biologically active substances, but also the highest content of Cordicepin among Cordyceps spp.

Cordicepin — this is a natural antibiotic, it suppresses the growth of many pathogenic microorganisms - clostridium, streptococci, golden staphylococcal and a cinema stick, and the useful bifidobacteria and lactobacteria of intestinal microflora are not destroyed.

Cordicepin also has antitumor, anti-aging, antiviral and antlaycemic effect.


Increased production

Cordyceps increases the production of adenosine trifosphate (ATP) molecule by the body - a universal energy source for all biochemical processes in the body.

Anti-aging action

According to many researchers, the high content of antioxidants in Cordycepsus explains his opposition to aging.


The main immunomodulating effects of polysaccharides obtained from Cordyceps Militaris include lymphoproliferative response, activation of natural killers, interleukin-2 products and tumor necrosis factor.


Cordyceps suppresses the growth of many types of human cancer cells, including lung cancer, colon, leather and liver.Cordyceps also improves beam and chemotherapy tolerability, prevents the development of side effects in the treatment of various forms of cancer.

Reduction glycemies

In diabetes, cordiceps reduces the degree of glycemia, increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, activates the liver cells for the grip of excess blood glucose, as well as accumulation of it in the form of glycogen.

Blood supply

Cordyceps moderately expands blood vessels, increases blood supply to the heart and lungs, makes the work of the heart more efficient: slows down the pulse, but the blood flow of the coronary arteries is noticeably activated.


Cordyceps has an anti-inflammatory effect - suppresses the development of protein-«mediators» of inflammation.


Cordyceps acts as a natural antibiotic: it not only suppresses dozens of types of pathogenic bacteria, such as pneumococcus, streptococcus, golden staphylococcus, etc., but also has antiviral and antifungal effect.

permission documents

Conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service
Instructions for the use of preparation Cordyceps


Розробка штамів Cordyceps militaris з високим вмістом кордицепіну (ru)

Біологічні властивості та імунотропні ефекти грибів роду cordyceps (ru)

Знахідка Cordyceps militaris (Cordycipitaceae) в Національному природному парку «Гуцульщина»

Кордицепс: гриб у шкурі гусениці (ru)

Лікарське використання гриба Cordyceps militaris: сучасний стан та перспективи (ru)

Очищення полісахаридів з Cordyceps militaris та їх антигіпоксичний ефект (ru)

Протипухлинна дія речовин, отриманих з вищих грибів cordyceps sinensis та ganoderma lucidum в експериментах in vitro та in vivo (ru)

Ринок кордицепсу китайського та екстракту Militaris оцінюється в 1 мільярд доларів до 2026 року (ru)

Хімічний склад cordyceps sinensis та особливості впливу окремих його речовин на імунну систему ссавців в умовах пухлинного росту (ru)

Antioxidant and Hypoglycemic Effects of Acidic-Extractable Polysaccharides from Cordyceps militaris on Type 2 Diabetes Mice

Антиоксидантна та гіпоглікемічна дія екстрагованих кислотою полісахаридів з Cordyceps militaris на мишей з діабетом 2 типу (ru)

Застосування кордицепсу при атеросклерозі та цукровому діабеті (ru)

Сучасний підхід до лікування діабету та депресії за допомогою Cordyceps sinensis, багатого ванадієм (ru)

A contemporary treatment approach to both diabetes and depression by cordyceps sinensis, rich in vanadium